Thomas J. Elpel's Web World Portal Thomas J. Elpel PO Box 697 Pony, MT 59747 |
Thomas J. Elpel |
Survive and Advance When you pull up to Thomas Elpel's hillside home above the tiny mountain burg of Pony, Mont., you can't help but notice the deer legs scattered in the driveway. Then you see the solar panels, the roaming chickens, and you notice that the house is made of timber and the same stones that are scattered across the nearby foothills. Stepping inside, you duck past a living-room clothesline draped with drying hides and walk across a tile floor inlaid with animal tracks. As he shows you the elevated greenhouse that pumps his home full of passive solar heat, Elpel, who abhors the very notion of waste, tells you that besides a wood cookstove, his home requires zero energy inputs, and that he built it himself using "abundant resources that nobody else wants." The full story was published in the now-defunct Go to Books and Videos by Thomas J. Elpel |
Looking for life-changing resources? Check out these books by Thomas J. Elpel: